We have had an eventful week in Christianity! I know that
I am a small fish in a big sea, and my thoughts are not widely read, but they have
been swimming in my mind over the past few days and I hope they can be an
encouragement to you.
One week ago, World Vision US, adopted a policy that
allowed legally married same sex couples to be employed by their ministry. Not surprisingly,
the LGBT community cheered, some denominations (mostly those who hold a very
loose interpretation of scripture, or do not hold it to be authoritative) also
cheered. At the same time most of evangelical supporters of WV saw it for what
it was, an abandoning of Scripture. This decision really didn't surprise me, I figured
at some point, some board would go this route, I just didn't know who. WV was
the first to test the waters. But it isn't the decision that I want to really
focus on, they reversed course just 24-48 hours later, I want to look at the
statements, process, and how that applies to us.
First, let’s look at part of the statement as they introduced
what they were about to do. Notice how they want to know that they have a board
full of wise people in high places and they have spent a great deal of time
praying over this issue.
“By way of background, our board
of directors is recognized as one of the leaders among Christian organizations
in the U.S. It includes deeply spiritual and wise believers, among them several
pastors, a seminary president, and a professor of theology. Since this policy
change involves the sensitive issue of human sexuality, the board spent several
years praying about and discussing this issue”
Second, they want to be sure that you know they aren't
“I want to reassure you that we
are not sliding down some slippery slope of compromise, nor are we diminishing
the authority of Scripture in our work. We have always affirmed traditional
marriage as a God-ordained institution. Nothing in our work around the world
with children and families will change. We are the same World Vision you have
always believed in.”
Third, this is a quote from the recanting of the new position
back to the old one:
“We are brokenhearted over the
pain and confusion we have caused many of our friends, who saw this decision as
a reversal of our strong commitment to Biblical authority. We ask that you
understand that this was never the board's intent. We are asking for your
continued support. We commit to you that we will continue to listen to the wise
counsel of Christian brothers and sisters, and we will reach out to key
partners in the weeks ahead.”
Here is where I think we can learn from WV.
First, wisdom
doesn't come from having a board of really important people.
Second, the will
of God never violates the Word of God (spend more time reading
the Word).
Third, just because someone
says they are not compromising doesn't they aren't.
Fourth, if you change, be
big enough to admit it.
Fifth, realize when you abandon Scripture, the true church
will be offended.
realize that you can’t please the world, you were created to please God, so do
that instead!